The TallGrass Blog

This Month of Love
02/25/2011 Gail Ridings
Blush Gail Headshot

Brrrrrrr....As I write this, the weather folks predict 30 below zero wind chill tonight. That's just ridiculous! And, though I will be safe and snug in bed next to my "super heater" husband, I usually lay awake and worry about our three fox trotter horses, Duke, Jet and Flash, toughing it out in the open barns. Of course, much more critical are the people who don't have adequate heat and shelter during weather like this.

During this month of love, temperatures this cold certainly encourage snuggling and Valentine's Day is just around the corner! We hope you are planning at least a few special moments to celebrate with that certain someone in your life or - if you are single - with your friends, family, dog, cat, bird! Here's to love, warmth and cuddling!

But, there's another side to love - loving yourself! I was single for so long that I grew to hate that lovely snake-in-the-grass, "Valentine's Day." Most of the time, it was no big deal; but every once in a while, the bite of being alone amid the perception of everyone else in love was agonizing. So, for those of you not in the middle of a love affair: Don't let it get you down! Make a date with your best friend, your Mom, your child - or even better - a lonely person in a nursing home. Or, come to TallGrass for the day and enjoy some joyful solitude!

For those of you lucky enough to be in love with their soul mate (yes, that's me!), I hope you are planning to celebrate the gift of each other. Chuck and I just enjoyed our second Tango Massage in 6 years. Why did we wait so long? It was magical.