The TallGrass Blog

How's Your Weather?
03/06/2015 Gail Ridings
TallGrass Gallery Winter 2

I heard on the news the other morning that every state except Florida had snow on the ground and Boston is bracing for another record breaking storm. So, for much of the country, March indeed “comes in like a lion.” In Evergreen, we are blessed to have the beauty of a snowy landscape, certainly different from the snow in downtown Chicago where I lived for nearly 15 years. It’s truly a beautiful world of white up here and, even though the snow can cause travel problems and the cold can make being outside a bit more difficult, I choose to embrace it all.  

This reminds me of a metaphor I learned in a recent class: We can choose what “weather” we carry around with us each day. Are we stormy and gloomy, or sunny and positive? It is a choice. Regardless of what life tosses my way, I can choose my reaction. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it?  Over the years, I’ve been working more and more on my own attitude and it’s making my life so much better. But, I confess, I am still working on consistency.  

I will be practicing this skill during these winter-into-spring months so that I can view the next snowstorm or cold snap with gratitude and patience. While I have no control over exactly when the spring weather comes, I plan to enjoy the process with a smile!  

Hope you’re carrying good “weather” with you every day!