The TallGrass Blog

Awe and Inspire
02/25/2011 Gail Ridings
Blush Gail Headshot

As you may know, our mission at TallGrass is to “awe and inspire.” Our current Spa Babe, Gloria Golson (read about her in our current e-newsletter) brought to my attention a wonderful article in the December issue of “O” Magazine. It’s about “awe.”

“Awe is what we feel when faced with something sublime, exceptional,” the writer tells us, and goes on to say: “Scientists say it pays to cultivate more awe in your life, whether by forwarding heart-swelling news stories or hiking the Grand Canyon.” The writer suggests several methods of increasing the wonder in your life such as looking to the constellations or shaking things up. For me, nature is the most amazing source of awe and wonder, along with the privilege of witnessing acts of love – from my husband, from one stranger to another, from the dedicated volunteers at non-profit organizations. They are all so awe-inspiring.

Chuck and I don’t have children of our own, but for those of you who do have young children or grandchildren, I’m certain that you are awe-struck by them over and over again. I challenge you to think back to when you were small and there was so much wonder in your life and everything around you was awesome.

I can’t think of a more awe-inspiring time than the holiday season shared with loved ones. We wish you a warm, wonderful, awe-filled holiday. God bless us every one.