give them something wildly different this holiday season
give them something wildly different this holiday season the perfect gift

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Make your next nail service a fingers and toes event by adding a complimentary Regular Manicure to your Ultimate Chakra or Caribbean Therapy pedicure.

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Message from Gail Ridings

Message from Gail Ridings, TallGrass Owner

Sometimes I need a nudge. Or maybe a big shove.

I've wanted to take our horses on a weekend excursion for years and years, yet have never gotten around to it, pre-occupied as we are with the bustle of life. Our friends, the Ungers, asked us to go on such a trip to Salida with them. It was planned for months and months and yet, when the time came around, Chuck and I both thought "we don't have time for this!"

But we had made a commitment, so we loaded up our horses and set off. Now we're saying "what took us so long?" We had a fabulous time - beautiful trails, incredible views, spectacular colors and wonderful conversations with friends.

I often hear the same sentiment expressed by our guests at TallGrass. They have an unused gift certificate lying around or just need some relaxation and rejuvenation and yet they keep putting off coming to the spa - too busy. As they leave, I hear them say they won't wait so long next time.

So, here's you your nudge (or shove). Stop waiting! Make time for the activity that you know you'd love. You will be so happy you did.


Gift Certificates and Gift Cards Expiring
Redeem Now

If you have a TallGrass gift card dated 2009 - or know someone who does - here's important information. Changes in the rules about gift cards and tightening restrictions by the State of Colorado, are requiring us to establish expiration dates for outstanding cards. Your gift card purchased in 2009 will expire at the end of 2014!

We want you to use your gift card before it expires and we're encouraging you by adding $20 to the value of all gift cards dated 2009 that are redeemed between now and the end of the year. That makes this a great time to take good care of yourself with awe inspiring service at TallGrass.

Moving forward, all gift cards/certificates purchased between January of 2009 and September of 2014 will expire 5 years from the purchase date; and gift certificates purchased from October of 2014 and forward will hold a 2-year expiration date.


Available for Adoption

6 mo., Female, Great Pyrenees/German Shorthaired Pointer/Spaniel
Loves getting scratched and snuggled, likes playing with other dogs, mild tempered

Available for adoption at
Evergreen Animal Protective League